European Commissioner Navracsics answers about “DYScrimination”

Version française ici.

More than 7 years after the vote of the Written Declaration by the European Parliament against « DYScrimination », the commission answered the Parliament on 2016 January 22d. Launched by FrenchFédération Française des Dys” with the cooperation and the support of European Dyslexia Association and many European national organizations, the Writen Declaration encouraged the commission to draw up a charter for « dys » children, and to encourage the recognition of « dys »-type problems as disabilities, and promote best practices. The full texte of the Written Declaration in English is here.

In November 2015 the Spanish Member of European Parliament (PPE) Rosa Estaras Ferragut asked about the answer of the commission to the declaration and what the commission had done about it and specially wanted to know ”what steps has the Commission taken in recent years in order to bring EU policies into line with these aims”, and if there were “a programme or European framework designed to collect and study information and promote coordination and institutional dialogue in the area of specific learning difficulties

The full text of her question is here.

2016 January 22d, Mr Timor Navracsics, commissioner for education, Culture youth and sport answered : « The Member States are responsible for the organisation of their education systems » but adds that Erasmus+ program can finance project about young european with disabilities and says for instance, the commission supports the “ European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education

The full answer of Mister Nevracsics is here.

Considering that finally the Commission answered years after to his question, the European Dyslexia Association now wants to make these good intentions become effective.

En savoir plus sur Fédération Française des DYS

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